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Forestry Expo coming to P.A.

Article Origin


Sage Staff, Prince Albert







Page 11

Over 200 exhibitors from across Canada and the U.S. are expected to descend on Prince Albert this August to take part in Saskatchewan's largest forestry show.

The 2001 Saskatchewan Forestry Expo will take place in P.A. August 8, 9 and 10. This is the second time the expo, planned as a biennial event, will be held. The first Saskatchewan Forestry Expo took place in 1999, attracting more than 170 exhibitors.

The slogan for the event is "Forestry in Saskatchewan . . . it's bigger than you think."

"The forest industry is undergoing a significant expansion with a proposed doubling of the industry and the potential of 10,000 new jobs," boasts the promotional material for the expo. The material also includes other impressive statistics, such as the fact that more than 13,000 jobs in Saskatchewan are directly or indirectly linked to Saskatchewan's forest industry, and that more than 50 per cent of the province is forested.

For more information about the 2001 Saskatchewan Forestry Expo, call 763-3399, e-mail the expo office at forestry@inet2000.com, or watch for information on the expo Web site at www.saskforestryexpo.com.