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Web sites simplify search for information

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Sage Staff







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Information about programs and services for Aboriginal people in Saskatchewan is now just the click of a mouse away.

A new Aboriginal Services Kiosk Web site at http://www.ASKsask.sk.ca provides links and information in a number of categories - business, culture, education, employment and training, family, health, housing, justice and youth. It also has a search feature, letting you type in a key word and search for the specific information you're looking for.

The site also includes a current events section, with information about events in Saskatchewan in the coming months.

The new site was launched by the federal government in consultation with the provincial government, community governments and organizations in Saskatchewan.

A similar Web site has also been set up with a national focus. The new Aboriginal Canada Portal - www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca - was created by the federal government in partnership with the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO), The Native Women's Association of Canada, the Metis National Council, the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP), The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada.

The portal lists links divided into a number of subjects, including national Aboriginal organizations, economic development, business, claims and treaties, learning, employment, environment and natural resources, health and social services, housing and infrastructure, justice and policing, language, heritage and culture, and policy, as well as links to provincial and territorial information. The site also lists links to information about Elders, women, youth and urban organizations and services, as well as international Aboriginal links. A search feature is also included in the national portal.