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Future looks bright


Letter to the Editor







Page 5

Dear Editor:

It's interesting to note that anyone convicted of committing atrocities against Aboriginal women and children, such as former judge David Ramsay [see "Ramsay sentence disappoints Aboriginal leaders" July 2004 Windspeaker], get to serve out their sentences at minimum security facilities. Even though Mr. Ramsay once held the power of the judicial process in one hand and with the other hand he assaulted minor Aboriginal youth, he is privileged by the system and placed in the most elegant federal facility. In no time at all he will enjoy escorted temporary absences to attend church services and to go shopping. He will most likely be revered by some of his peers and keepers and eventually he will be allowed to retire with his pension.

It's unfortunate that Mr. Ramsay's future looks brighter than the youth that he victimized and left traumatized. Moreover, it's disheartening for all Aboriginal people who are working to regain trust in the judicial process to see more examples like this.

Davey Maurice