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Speak for yourself on C-7


LEtter to the Editor







Page 5

Dear Editor:

I would question last month's writer of the letter entitled, Act has grassroots support.

Who is this character that claims to be speaking for the grassroots level of First Nations people? I'm a grassroots level First Nations person and I do not support the Indian Affairs Minister Robert Nault's First Nations governance act, Bill C-7.

I say no to Bill C-7. This is just another Department of Indian Affairs tactic to slow down the process of more important issues, like housing, health, youth, Elders, finding justice and resolutions for our veterans and residential school survivors.

The Department of Indian Affairs knows that they have a losing battle (on their hands) when dealing with these issues.

Sure, I also agree that there should be a certain amount of accountability and transparency from the First Nations leaders to the people they claim to represent, but why go through the process of putting a halt on trying to solve the more important issues just to invent a silly new bill?

I salute people like the chief of the assembly of First Nations, Matthew Coon Come. Keep up the fight. I for one fully support you. Maybe one day I will even get a chance to vote for you just the way I am, a lowly grassroots First Nations person.

All the problems we face today in the present are caused by the Department of Indian Affairs. Take the issues like the First Nations veterans and the residential school survivors. These are problems that were caused by the Department of Indian Affairs and all because they wanted to assimilate us into white society. And now you back-stabbers that support Bill C-7 call yourselves First Nations people. You should be ashamed of yourselves. If you are First Nations people, then I am ashamed to be called one.

And as for Indian Affairs Minister Robert Nault, where are all those grassroots level supporters you claim to have supporting your silly Bill C-7? They cannot all be so frightened like a bunch of scared mice hiding in a dark corner, scared of reprisals.

Check me out. I exist under your Indian Affairs brand. What more harm can you do to me that you haven't already done?

You stole my life at an early age by forcing me to attend residential school and your henchmen took away my livelihood in the timber harvest industry. And I'm supposed to support your silly fantasies? Dream on.

-Victor Misponas