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U.S. assertions sound familiar


Letter to the Editor







Page 5

Dear Editor:

I've been watching the war in Iraq with disgust. America says it's doing this to secure peace for itself and, God bless 'em, all of us. But here's the biggest insult to humanity: America says it's doing this to "help" the Iraqi people.

Yes, they're coming to free, feed and clothe their new "citizens"... at least the ones who haven't been blown up by a cruise missile!

Now, I'm not saying that Saddam is not just as bad. I'm sure he is. But that still doesn't justify an illegal war that's murdering innocent civilians by saying, 'Well, if we didn't kill 'em, Saddam would've, y'all.'

But here's the biggest irony that, as a First Nations person, is becoming clearer to me every day. Haven't they before promised peace and security to their citizens by eradicating a people? Specifically, the First Nations people.

Didn't they also pontificate to their citizens that the First Nations were a threat to their peace and security and should be "dealt" with? Didn't they also pretend to use diplomacy (treaties) as a diversion to their real plans...domination? And finally, didn't they also say they were doing this to help free the "savage Indians" from their oppressive primitive lives and help them become Americans?

And so began their crusade to free the West by sending in the cavalry to deal with the Indian problem.

Now again, America is on their self-appointed, self-righteous "crusade" to free the East (this time) by sending in the cavalry to deal with the Arab problem.

America will be "victorious" over Iraq, but thanks to their great numbers, I don't think America will succeed in trying to forcibly relocate the Arabs to reservations in the middle of nowhere as they did with the First Nations.

America will, of course, win the battle, but may lose the war.

I think America has met its match...not in Iraq, but in the Arab people.

The Arab world may well turn out to be "Custard's Last Stand" for America, but not before they drag everyone else down with them.

God bless America...God is great...God help everyone else.

Duane Ghastant' Aucoin