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Donations being received at CFWE and Windspeaker offices in Edmonton.
Photo by Brad Crowfoot
Donations collected by CFWE and Windspeaker being delivered to Siksika.
Photo by Bert Crowfoot
See the full photo gallery of our delivery to Siksika
Updated - Friday 12:00 pm
Siksika in need of temporary housing/shelter - donated tents & sleeping pads would be great!
PLEASE NOTE: The need for donations to the First Nations communities of Siksika, Morley, Eden Valley and Tsuu T'ina is urgent for several factors:
* The high number of people impacted relative to the population of the community. (In Siksika, for example, there are 1,300 people without homes in a community of 6,000.)
* The lack of or poor state of infrastructure to be able to provide critical aid. Many communities have had bridges and roads blocked, closed or destroyed by the floods
* The length of time required to get federal and provincial assistance to the communities. The federal and provincial governments will be assisting in the rebuilding of the homes and infrastructure impacted by the devestating floods - but this will take weeks if not months and years.
In the meantime, while communities wait for longer term efforts - people must be sheltered, fed and cared for. Thousands of people in the effected communities have lost everything except the clothes on their backs - so they will need all the basics: babies need blankets and diapers and formulas; children need food, snacks, shoes, books and toys and so on.
We never know when we will be in need - we hope we never have to be - but should that need arise it would be appreciated if our family and neighbours (near and far) are there for us.
Update - Friday 12:00 pm
Edmonton - Donations for Morley, Siksika and Tsuu T'ina being accepted at Windspeaker - CFWE-FM - AMMSA offices.
We will be driving down to the impacted communities on Thursday morning this week to deliver all donations received. We want to take part in / and report on the fund raiser planned for Thursday and Friday.
We will also be making more trips down this weekend!
Please NO MORE clothing items or furniture!
Donations of gift cards for Mark's , Walmart, Target and other clothing stores will allow people to purchase items in the correct size and style to meet the needs of people of ALL ages.
- Cleaning items and supplies
- Toiletries
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Towels
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Bottled Water
- Deodorant
- Soap
- Hand sanitizer
- Toilet paper
- Sugar Coffee Mate
- Baby items
- Baby formula
- Diapers size 4, 5, 6
- Non-perishable food.
- Clothing racks and hangers.
- Any cash donations received we will
turn over to the Red Cross
Our office is located in Edmonton at
13245-146 Street
North of Yellowhead and west of St. Albert Trail
Phone: 780-455-2700
Canada Bridges is accepting financial donations only!
They are now on the ground and helping at Morley and Siksika all this week!
Phone: 587-707-2088
NeighbourLink is accepting donations and will deliver to Morley and Siksika all this week!
Calgary Address: 3751 21 St NE
Phone: (403) 209-1930
Financial Donations to the communities:
To donate to Stoney Nakoda Nations
(Morley and Eden Valley):
Donations may be made through any branch of the Royal Bank to the "Stoney Nakoda Flood Relief Fund 2013
To donate through online banking:
Account Name: Stoney Nakoda Flood Relief Fund 2013
Royal Bank: 003
Branch: 03199
Account: 100-471-2
In addition, cheques payable to the Stoney Flood Relief Fund 2013 can be sent to:
Stoney Tribal Administration
Box 40
Morley, AB
T0L 1N0
To donate to Siksika First Nation:
Donations may be made at any Bank of Montreal to the "The Siksika Nation Relief Fund"
To donate to all impacted First Nation communities:
Donations may be made at any branch of Peace Hills Trust to the "Southern Alberta First Nation Flood Relief "
To donate to all impacted Alberta communities:
Alberta Red Cross:
Financial donations may be made to the Alberta Red Cross - which are on site at both Morley and Siksika helping delivery kits and assistance to community members.
In Cochrane donations for Morley are being accepted at Bentley Books and Boys and Girls Clubs (5th Avenue).
All donations being delivered to Morley must be delivered to the Morley High School!
Donations to Eden Valley will be distributed from Morley.
Generators needed in Morley to help power the water pumps.
or Email:
Contact Marcel Doies (Emergency Services) at: 403-341-4218
Morley Community School: 403-881-2755
Update - Sunday 4:30 pm
Red Cross Alberta has arrived in the community of Morley to provide critical assistance. We are informed that they are also preparing to get to Siksika.
Donations to Alberta Red Cross will go to help flood victims in all communities. Online donations are safe and secure. Please help if you can!
Calgary MLA Jeff Wilson accepting donations for Siksika!
- Bottled Water.
- Baby items.
- Baby formula
- Diapers size 4, 5, 6
- Underwear all sizes and ages
- Non-perishable food.
- Bug repellent
Office: #328 22 Midlake Blvd SE Calgary
Facebook page: